There is a current and growing need for governmental bodies to maintain, modernize, expand and develop infrastructure facilities essential to ensuring continued economic growth, public health and safety, education and general productivity. It is estimated that $6 trillion will be required to modernize and expand water, electricity and transportation systems in the U.S. over the next 20 years. These trends present a significant opportunity for the ISG's investment alternative, primarily because these assets can provide project diversification and the potential for stable income yields.

        In the current market environment, the demand for core private and public infrastructure construction projects investments has been particularly strong because these projects offer short-term exposure to relatively stable, economically insensitive, inflation protected high cash flows.  These projects have the potential to generate low volatility, consistent growth of cash flows and returns that are uncorrelated with other asset classes, resulting in very attractive diversification benefits for investors.

        Infrastructure construction projects have several unique characteristics that make them attractive investments. Some potential benefits are stable cash flows and economic insensitivity. Because most infrastructure projects have monopolistic positions in and provide essential services to the markets they serve, demand is often very stable. For those assets, usage does not materially decline with price increases or during periods of economic weakness.

        As a result of low volatility, economic insensitivity, and inflation-protection characteristics, a portfolio of infrastructure projects has low correlation to other major asset classes resulting in compelling diversification.   The services provided by infrastructure assets are essential for the functioning of a society. While not allowing infrastructure projects to charge monopoly prices, governments must allow private contractors to earn fair returns in order to incentivize them to keep their operations in good working order, and invest in state of the art processes and modernization.

      Owners generally have the ability to increase rates at some level linked to inflation and/or the economy over time.  Concurrently, while they can be mitigated, there are several key factors of infrastructure project direction in sub-sector.  Each infrastructure sub-sector has different progress factors, return drivers, and material costs sensitivities.  Due to low correlation among sub-sectors, these risks can be reduced by maintaining a well diversified infrastructure construction portfolio.


        This is a pre-IPO offering, each subscription unit includes the right to exchange and /or purchase shares when the company elects to go public in two years, pursuant to Regulation A under the 1933 Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


  We intend to generally use the net proceeds for project material purchasing, administrative and operating expenses, to meet working capital requirements, and other general corporate purposes, at the discretion of the Company management.  The Offering will be conducted by the Company on a best efforts basis through its officers and advisors, none of whom will be entitled to any commission or other special consideration for their selling efforts.

Suitable for your IRA or 401k, no sales commissions.

This is an opportunity to join the ISG family.

Diversified and Asset Funds inquiries are welcome.

The Company"s executive director David Budis is available to answer questions concerning the terms of the offering and provide an information about the Company by prospective investors.  The Company may also elect, at its discretion, to engage the services of a qualified broker-dealer(s) or outside salesperson(s) in connection with the Offering,

This company is self registering offering subscriptions.

Maximum offering is $4,000,000.

80 shares offered for $50,000 each   (half shares ($25,000) available)

Interest rate 12% calculated and paid out annually.

Term life is 24 months, rollover available.

Secured by the corporate assets and accounts receivables.

This is an unregistered SEC offering for accredited investors.

 Investors should read the full Private Placement Memorandum before investing. Please contact ISG with any questions, comments and requests for additional information at 908-803-9796  An "accredited investor" is defined in Rule 501 Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933 as person who makes over $200,000 or have a net worth over $1 million

less the value of their primary home.

The information, material and content contained herein or supplied by ISG at any time is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The ISG Disclosures and Acknowledgments Agreement you may receive is not intended to be a substitute for your own due diligence and independent research each prospective owner should perform as to any purchase, nor is it claimed to be a complete study of the subject matter presented. For Private Placement shares, only Accredited Investors may invest in these types of offerings.  Nothing herein shall constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities, in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration, qualification, or applicable exemption under applicable federal and state securities law. Only information contained in an appropriate Private Placement offering memorandum, which will be furnished upon request to accredited investors only, should be considered in connection with any such securities transaction.