Opportunities for Suppliers and Contractors

058-501 Project:  Maurice Stephens House Structural and Masonry Repairs at the Valley Forge National Historical Park, King of Prussia, Penna. The work includes all labor, material and equipment required to successfully complete the structural repairs to the masonry of the SE corner of the Maurice Stephens House, including cutting a new doorway and the removal of the temporary bracing. A concrete slab will be added to the south half of the basement as part of the structural repair work to the SE corner. Additionally the work includes structural improvements to the interior floor structure of the second and third floors. Contact project estimator for additional specifications.

    056-213  Project: re-roof and repair masonry at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.  Work includes a new roof, concrete roof decking, masonry repairs, and associated items at the roof level. Existing roofing, concrete roof decking and substrate, and flashing and roof drains are removed. A new concrete roof deck, new roofing, and new flashing and roof drains, etc. are installed. Existing slate pavers, lighting protection, security cameras, and weather station are removed to allow construction, and then reinstalled. Masonry repair work includes tuck-pointing, crack repair, patches, stone-dutchman, etc. at the roof level

    043-062  Location: Marine Corps Community Services, Parris Island, South Carolina. Structural/Architectural Work:  Removal and replacement of the existing concrete slab as required to facilitate installation of new plumbing; updating interior finishes to include the replacement of entry/egress doors and hardware; spatial reconfiguration to provide one ADA/ABA compliant unisex toilet; and replacement of the existing adjacent guard shack.

    033-011 Moravian Creek Flood Damage Reduction Project Repairs, Wilkes County, North Carolina just upstream of NC Highway 268 and between Collegiate Drive and School Streets.  It was designed to provide protection for up to a 15-year event. The project was originally constructed to reduce flood damages to property along the project reach and to stabilize the existing stream bank. The original project consisted of construction of approximately 1,200 feet of concrete gravity floodwall and installation of approximately 1,100 linear feet of 8-inch thick concrete filled blanket slope protection on the east bank of the creek. Construction was completed in January 2002. During an intense storm in May of 2009, water in the stream topped the floodwall and caused riprap to be removed from the toe of the concrete blanket slope protection leaving the toe unprotected.  The repair work will consist of fortifying the toe of the concrete blanket slope protection along a stretch of approximately 1,100 linear feet of stream bank with NCDOT Class 1 riprap. The work will require placement of approximately 1,000 tons of NCDOT Class 1 riprap.

   033-033 - Raising the soil dikes surrounding and crossing the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area in Portsmouth, Virginia.   This work shall be earth moving,  hauling and placement with equipment, all work contained within the CIDMMA boundaries. Dredge materials stored in the two borrow sites shall be excavated and then transported to dike raising locations as specified in contract plans and then placed and compacted. The completion of both the Before Dike (BD) and After Dike (AD) surveys and associated documentation for planning, progress billings, and final as-built drawings. Approximately 1,023,000 cubic yards of dredge material shall be transported and placed onto the dikes. The dike raising includes two to four feet of compacted fill placed across all dikes' top surfaces and partially down each of the dike's side slopes. Including grubbing and clearing before dike material placement; and hydro-seeding after dike placement.


     If you would like to work with ISG in a Subcontractor or Supplier capacity, tell us about your financial stability, safety record, past projects and technical capabilities.

     Complete the prequalification process at the SCORE website. For questions regarding the SCORE system or general questions, please call 908-803-9796.


     S.C.O.R.E. System is a Web-based subcontractor prequalification program for general contractors. Built with subcontractors’ interests in mind, the System streamlines the information collection process and provides simple and fair ratings on each subcontractor’s financial strength, safety record, and performance history.